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Father Steenvoorde O.P. joins pastoral team Catholic Student Chaplaincy

Father Steenvoorde O.P. joins pastoral team Catholic Student Chaplaincy

20 / 01 / 2019

Gathered together for the Sunday Mass, the English speaking community of the Eendrachtskapel welcomed father dr. Richard Steenvoorde O.P. On Sunday 13 January, 2019 bishop Van den Hende introduced father Richard as a new member (parttime) of the pastoral team of the English speaking Catholic community in Rotterdam and of the diocesan Student Parish "Saint Catharine of Alexandria".

Father Richard (1973) lives in the Dominican convent of St. Peter of Verona, next to St Dominic’s Church in Rotterdam. Currently he is persuing a doctorate in systematic theology at the Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium). His priestly ordination took place on November 17, 2018 in Rotterdam.

(Photo: Ramon Mangold)